A small selection of kind words from clients


"Emily is an incredibly gifted teacher, without doubt the best I have come across in fifteen years of practicing yoga.  She is inspirational, compassionate and nurturing.  Her unique classes are both a physical and spiritual awakening – each one a truly rewarding and wonderful experience"

- Cleone (Associate Producer, Trademark Films)


"I have had many yoga teachers in many places of the world and Emily is second to none. It is not just her technical ability but also her desire to truly find out what your starting point and needs are that set her apart. She then approaches her sessions with appropriately placed wisdom and enthusiasm and just the right amount of "push" that takes your practice to a new level. No session is the same and I never feel in a routine with Emily"

- Deborah (Consultant) has private classes at home following an injury


"Emily has an inexhaustible fountain of good energy, shared unconditionally"

- Chiara (Entrepreneur) shares private yoga classes with 3 friends

"Emily is extremely committed and she knows yoga and meditation more than anyone else. She gradually builds up strength and after a few weeks you have already advanced to the next level! She tailors the sessions after the mood and state of mind. It has been a huge success and we are now upping it from 1 session to 2 private sessions per week"

 - Carro (Industry Manager, Google), has private classes with her husband at home

"It’s hard to put my finger on it, but I feel like a lighter, more relaxed & balanced version of myself after a class with Emily!" 

- Emily (Headhunter, Spencer Stuart) has weekly yoga classes in her office with colleagues

 "I started working with Emily following a diagnosis of an illness that prohibited exercise in the traditional sense.  From my first conversation with her I felt very confident in her understanding approach and manner.  She has a very thorough knowledge of the body and how it can truly benefit and heal itself through yoga and meditation.  I enjoy our sessions enormously and this is down to Emily's wonderfully charming, gentle manner and her ability to apply this to my individual needs"

- Camilla has private meditation and Yin yoga classes


"From the moment we met you we felt inexplicably reassured.  Your approach to the prenatal sessions was always really educational without overwhelming.  Your pregnancy classes were so nourishing.  You leading us in meditation and breathing practices allowed us to feel grounded in your presence and that we could trust your many years of experience to guide us during the birth if we ever felt lost.  Your positivity put us at ease before and during birth.  I personally felt you holding space for me so peacefully and I felt supported by your wisdom and calming presence.  It was such a blessing having you hold a Closing of the Bones ceremony after - the perfect end to a beautiful birthing journey together.  If soul mates in doula form exist you were you ours! "

- Rosie King, from London

"Having dear Emily join my birthing tribe was THE best decision I made in my childbearing year. I did not get to have the birth I had hoped for, and there was unnecessary trauma and negligence that came from the hospital's end, but Emily united our family in that unsupported birth (I imagine her when I look back as hugging my husband, my daughter and I metaphorically).  She made sure that I met my daughter with dignity and grace, even when there was none in the hospital. I will forever get tingly-nosed thinking about her brushing my matted hair and spraying coconut water mist on my tired face.  If there is one thing I would not change about this past year other than having the most amazing daughter, it is having Emily on my side. Love, grace, expertise, and joy...that is Emily and what she brings as a Doula"

 -  Ashley Brenninkmeijer, from London

"We feel so lucky to have had you as our doula, Emily.  Your constant loving care, support, good humour and general lovely presence made everything bearable.  You gave me strength and courage when I needed it most, and to my husband as well...thank you from the bottom of our hearts - you are a very special lady" 

 -  Tess Newall from East Sussex

I know that I have guided someone well when I see their breath has changed, that they are more grounded and their nervous system has calmed.

Over time I see people  inspired to take good care of themselves. It’s beautiful to witness people remember their true essence. 

Interested in how my practices can support you?